PROJECT: Like a Dream
LOCATION: Auyan Tepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela.
BY: Gustavo Moser
PROJECT: Like a Dream
LOCATION: Auyan Tepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela.
BY: Gustavo Moser
PROJECT: Like a Dream
LOCATION: Auyan Tepui, Canaima National Park, Venezuela.
BY: Gustavo Moser
In 2014, seven friends coordinated a never before seen rock-climbing expedition to the top of Auyan Tepui in Venezuela. The mission was to escape the world and develop rock climbing routes in one of the most secluded and less explored areas of South America. For 21 days they were submerged in a spiritual journey that eventually inspired the birth of a sustainability project whose goal is to empower rock climbing and sustainable adventure tourism in Venezuela.
This expedition marked the beginning of the ongoing Tepui Project.
In 2014, seven friends coordinated a never before seen rock-climbing expedition to the top of Auyan Tepui in Venezuela. The mission was to escape the world and develop rock climbing routes in one of the most secluded and less explored areas of South America. For 21 days they were submerged in a spiritual journey that eventually inspired the birth of a sustainability project whose goal is to empower rock climbing and sustainable adventure tourism in Venezuela.
This expedition marked the beginning of the ongoing Tepui Project.
Coe Moser P H O T O G R A P H Y
"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still".
- Dorothea Lange -
Welcome and thanks for coming in! My name is Leopoldo Moser from Caracas, Venezuela. I first started taking photos digitally in 2007. After doing it for many years as a self-taught enthusiast, I've developed a real love for the art of taking photographs.
In 2019 I began working as a photographer, this allowed me to discover new shooting and editing techniques, aiming to deliver to my clients a high quality product.
I've come to understand that photography enhances the way I see life. It gives me both perspective and purpose. When I'm out with my camera everything else fades away and I start to look at the world in much more detail.
I Would love to hear your thoughts on my work and look forward to collaborating with you.
I'm currently based in Washington D.C.

Nature is ultimately where we belong. I like to go out into the wild to find peace and inspiration but most importantly to connect and understand the importance of biodiversity in our landscapes.
It's s my goal that through my photographs of nature, you also get inspired to protect the wild and beautiful.
I hope you like these photographs as much as I do. Please share my work and don't hesitate to ask me any questions. All my nature photographs are available for printing.

Food photos was how I first started in the photography business.
Having worked quite a bit in the restaurant industry myself, I've developed a real love for food and a true admiration for all the chefs and staff in a restaurant that put so much time, energy and sacrifice to their craft, bringing to us amazing experiences.
My goal is to give you true and beautiful food photos that will make people want to go check out your restaurant and try your amazing food.

Portrait photo sessions are amongst my favorite genre, mainly because it involves interacting with people, getting to know them and aiming to capture their essence in the most natural way possible.
I've been fortunate to work with amazing people in portrait sessions ranging from professional photos to creating family memories that will last forever.

Printing my photographs is the most rewarding part of shooting photos. The ability to bring to life a 1/1000 second moment and make it last forever, is one of those things that make photography so special.
All of my nature photographs are available for printing.
For more information contact the studio HERE